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Editor: William J. Murray
In this issue: Hillary: What difference does it make why they died? / Obama seeks "Peace in our time" / Obama supports death on Roe v. Wade anniversary / Senators support Right to Life March / House Majority Leader supports Right to Life March / More Arab Spring attacks / Syrian refugee girls taken for Islamic "pleasure marriages" / Arming the enemies of freedom / The Jewish terrorist
The Presidency
Hillary: What difference does it make why they died? - In one of the most bizarre testimonies before Congress that I have ever seen, the U.S. Secretary of State said about the murder of one of her Ambassadors, "What difference at this point does it make?" It might make a difference to a Coptic Christian whose trailer for a bad movie was blamed by the leader of the free world for a series of Al Qaeda attacks against American diplomatic facilities and who was sent to prison on the orders of members of the administration. Read more
Obama: "Peace in our time" - Apparently no one in the entire White House has ever studied any 20th century history at all. (If they had, there would be some realization that Communism failed). Beyond that, Obama used the term "Peace in our time" in his Inaugural Address. This phrase was first used by Prime Minister Neville Chamberland upon signing an agreement with Hitler in 1938, giving part of another nation to the Nazi's in return for "peace." What a gaff - or was it? Read more
Obama supports death on Roe anniversary - President Obama's statement on the 40th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade speaks for itself. He talks of a woman's right to make "decisions" about her own body ... but it is not the woman's body that is destroyed by an abortion; it is her baby's body.
Senators support Right to Life March - Pro-life Senators sent out tweets to mark the 40th anniversary of the infamous Roe v. Wade decision. This Supreme Court ruling legalized abortion on demand as a "privacy" issue. The decision has resulted in the killing of an estimated 50 million unborn babies since then. Only Mao Tse Tung has killed more human beings - an estimated 60 million. Read more
Republican Leader supports Right to Life March - Majority Leader Eric Cantor honored pro-lifers for their commitment to the right to life of every unborn child during a floor speech this week. In contrast, President Barack Hussein Obama, who is the best friend Planned Parenthood can buy, issued a proclamation celebrating the Roe v. Wade ruling as a victory for women, the "freedom to choose" and the right to privacy. Read more
Religion and Culture
Right to Life March - Hundreds of thousands of people descended on Washington, DC today to morn the loss of 55 million American babies who have been murdered since the Roe v. Wade decision which allows the termination of a pregnancy up to the moment a woman goes into labor. Most of the establishment news services will not report, or will under report, the significance of the size of the demonstration.
Christian Bookstore and more - books, CD's, DVD's, cards and much more available at the Religious Freedom Coalition Internet Store. Please visit today!
EGYPT: More Arab Spring attacks - A thousand Muslims attacked the predominantly Christian village of el-Marashda (province of Quena, Upper Egypt). Incited by outside religious authorities, extremists burned down homes and shops and tried to demolish the local church. Read more
JORDAN: Syrian refugee girls taken for Islamic "pleasure marriages" - Syrian female refugees aged 14 and 15 who fled their country to Jordan and Iraq are being forced into "pleasure marriages. "Apart from being a cover for legalized prostitution (the marriage can last for as little as 30 minutes), Nikah al-Mut'ah (temporary marriage) deprives the "wife" of many rights. Read more
Arming the enemies of freedom - French cannon makers sold the Ottoman Empire the weapons which were used to conquer Constantinople in 1453. This week the United States began shipments of 20 new advanced F-16s and 100 modern Abrams tanks to Egypt. Soon Turkey will receive the newest American fighter, the F-35. My latest column at WND, and a video I have produced, explore the results of the the West arming the enemies of freedom. Read more
The Jewish Terrorist - In March, 2008 during the Jewish holiday of Purim a bomb exploded in the home of the Ortiz family in Ariel, Samara. The Ortiz family are dear friends of mine and I have stayed at their apartment numerous times. Only their youngest teenage son was home home at the time the bomb exploded, and he was just one foot from the bomb. He was severely injured and spent over a year in hospitals and had dozens of operations. Because his father David Ortiz took the Gospel to Arabs in the area, it was assumed that the attack came from them, but it did not. An American-born Jew who had become an extremist set off the bomb. He had also killed Palestinians and bombed a church. The strange case ended this week with his conviction for murder and attempted murder. The Israeli media coined the phrase "the Jewish terrorist" to describe him. Read more Note: The Religious Freedom Coalition raised funds for the Ortiz family to rebuild their lives.
More from the Religious Freedom Coalition New Chairman's Report - Now available, the January 18th, 2013 edition of the Religious Freedom Coalition Chairman's Report. In the current issue: William J. Murray writes on hot tub multiculturalism / Obama's gay inauguration - no evangelicals allowed / Obama sends tanks to the Muslim Brotherhood / More social conservatives in Congress, including two new Senators / Planned Parenthood got $542 million of your tax dollars last year / Al Gore and Rupert Murdoch make big bucks on Jew hating TV networks
My Life Without God - William J. Murray's first book, My Life Without God is now back in print as the 30th anniversary of his atheist mother's lawsuit to remove prayer form the schools approaches. Murray writes of his life in the dysfunctional home of infamous atheist/Marxist leader Madalyn Murray O'Hair. Learn more
Christian Bookstore and more - books, CD's, DVD's, cards and much more available at the Religious Freedom Coalition Internet Store. Please visit today!
Editor: William J. Murray
In this issue: Obama: Protect children from guns and abort more babies / U.S. needs U.N. permission but French don't? / Does Nancy Pelosi run the House? / Pelosi appoints "Arab-American" as Chief of Staff / Senator Cruz on Obama's "exploitation" of children / Rupert Murdoch worse than Al Gore? / U.K. politician arrested for statement on Islam / Muslim vigilantes in London enforce sharia.
The Presidency
Obama: Protect children from guns and abort more babies - What a contradiction: Obama on the platform with four children telling the nation that kids need protection from guns, and using the massacre at Newtown, CT as an example. During the Obama Administration, the amount of money going to the abortion industry has reached new heights, with Planned Parenthood receiving 45% of their budget from the government. In the last three years Planned Parenthood has murdered about 1,000,000 babies.
U.S. needs U.N. permission but French don't? - The French government has begun bombing Islamists in Mali and has dispatched 2,500 troops so far. Rather than tell the French to get United Nations "approval," Obama has congratulated their move. This is the same Barack Obama who as Senator insisted that the United States receive UN permission for any military operations. The Al-Qaeda forces have been well armed by our Libyan "allies." The truth is the Arab Spring supported by Obama has created several failed states in North Africa that are now used by Islamists to attack "infidels." Weapons sales and give-a-ways to these nations need to stop now.
Does Nancy Pelosi run the House? - Since the 113th Congress was sworn in, the two most important votes were controlled not by Speaker Boehner but by Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. In the first major showdown on taxes and spending, the Speaker was unable to get enough Republican votes to pass his compromise bill that including raising taxes on those making over one million dollars a year. Nancy Pelosi took over and with the help of a few GOP members passed Harry Reid's Senate bill. Next, the Speaker rejected the pork laden Senate bill for aid to the victims of Hurricane Sandy and offered a bill that did not send money to Alaska, Illinois and other states. GOP Tea Party Members still refused to vote for the bill as too costly. Again, Nancy Pelosi took control of the vote and managed to pass the much more expensive bill from Harry Reid's Senate. With a divided caucus, Speaker Boehner has grown silent as he has no bargaining chips to deal with Obama, without the support of his Members.
Pelosi appoints "Arab-American" to chief - Nancy Pelosi's office announced that her long-time chief of staff John Lawrence will retire and that his replacement will be Arab-American Nadeam Elshami who has served as her spokesman for years. Elshami, who has been a key advisor to Pelosi, was paid $172,500 by her last year. His mother, Zainab Elberry, is an activist for the Arab American Institute and worked to defend the construction of the mega mosque in Nashville.
Senator Cruz on Obama's use of human shields - Newly-elected Texas Senator Ted Cruz was on the Laura Ingraham show this week to express his outrage over Obama's shameless exploitation of children for his gun grabbing Executive Orders. Cruz told Ingraham that Obama was "exploiting the murder of children" and was "high on his own power" to push his anti-gun agenda. Read more
Religion and Culture
More taxpayer money, more abortions - Planned Parenthood reported receiving record taxpayer funding in the last reporting year, while also performing a record number of abortions. This was according to its new annual report released this week. The nation's largest abortion provider maintained its infamous title, performing 333,964 abortions --- a record for the organization, which received 45 percent of its revenues from taxpayer-funded government sources. Read more
Rupert Murdoch worse than Al Gore? - Fox News headliners have broadly attacked Al Gore for selling his TV network to Al-Jazeera, but their boss, CEO Rupert Murdoch, co-owns Al-Risala, an Arabic language network which is a full-throated supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood. This is because Murdoch owns an 18.97% stake in Saudi Prince Bin Talal's Rotana Media group. Al-Risala, the flagship "religious broadcasting" television network of Rotana, is an odious mouthpiece for Sharia supremacists, anti-Western radicals, and general xenophobia, and regularly spews forth hatred of Jews and other "infidels." Read more
Religious Freedom Day - January 16th was Religious Freedom Day in America, commemorating the anniversary of the Virginia Statute for Establishing Religious Freedom, which passed on January 16, 1786. In the Act, Thomas Jefferson wrote in part, "Be it enacted by the General Assembly, that no man - shall otherwise suffer on account of his religious opinions or belief; but that all men shall be free to profess, and by argument to maintain, their opinion in matters of religion -" Read more
UK politician arrested for statement on Islam - Kevin Carroll, the Chairman of the British Freedom Party, was arrested in the UK for making a comment on Facebook. One might wonder what this dangerous comment was --- perhaps calling for killing someone, or inciting rebellion against Queen and country? Well, actually, no. It wasn't anything like that. Speaking of Islam, this is what Kevin Carroll said: "They are all backward savages, a devil-spawned death-cult worshiping all that is unholy and barbaric. Pure evil." Read more
UK: Muslim Vigilantes in London - Muslim vigilantes are approaching Brits and demanding they behave in an Islamic way - in the middle of London. The hooded men, who call themselves Muslim Patrol, have apparently filmed themselves loitering around English streets and intimidating people. See video
Algeria: Islamist attack on Algeria - For several days the attack on a giant BP natural gas plant in Algeria has been on the front pages because hostages taken included Americans, British, French, Dutch and Japanese. After an attempted rescue in which 18 of the Islamists were killed, the Algerian government issued a report that they identified the dead men as being from Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Mali and Algeria. Of course the United States is trying to say the continuing broad war against civilization by Islamists is caused by local issues including poverty.
More from the Religious Freedom Coalition
New Chairman's Report - Now available, the January 18th, 2013 edition of the Religious Freedom Coalition Chairman's Report. In the current issue: William J. Murray writes on hot tub multiculturalism / Obama's gay inauguration - no evangelicals allowed / Obama sends tanks to the Muslim Brotherhood / More social conservatives in Congress including two new Senators / Planned Parenthood got $542 million of your tax dollars last year / Al Gore and Rupert Murdoch make big bucks on Jew hating TV networks
My Life Without God - William J. Murray's first book, My Life Without God is now back in print as the 30th anniversary of his atheist mother's lawsuit to remove prayer form the schools approaches. Murray writes of his life in the dysfunctional home of infamous atheist/Marxist leader Madalyn Murray O'Hair. Learn more
Editor: William J. Murray
In this issue: Obama's gay inauguration / Newsweek Magazine declares Obama "the first gay President" / Anti-Israel pick to head Defense Department / Obama's Syrian problem / Congressman against 200 tanks for Egypt / More Planned Parenthood tax dollars and a record number of abortions / Slavery trade under Islam / New video of Islamic slave trade / Muslim hit ordered on 15-year-old girl / More teachers killed by Muslims in Thailand
The Presidency
Obama's gay inauguration - The only religious leader scheduled for Obama's second inauguration, a pastor from Georgia, has now been forced to withdraw. What was the crime of Pastor Louis Giglio? It seems that back in the 1990's, he once delivered a sermon against homosexually. Obama picked a Cuban-American "gay poet" named Richard Blanco to serve as "Inaugural Poet." Meanwhile Newsweek magazine pictured Obama on the cover as "the first gay president." Read more
The new Cabinet members - Obama has appointed several controversial men to his cabinet. The main lightning rod so far is his pick for Secretary of Defense, former two term GOP Senator Chuck Hagel, who is a decorated Vietnam veteran. Critics point to his many anti-Israel and pro-Iranian statements, but miss the point. The White House makes the policy and the Cabinet members just follow that policy. Hagel was picked because of his positions, not in spite of them, and critics should be more vocal in pointing out that fact.
Obama's Syria problem - The jihadists President Obama supports in Syria appear to be losing ground to the Syrian army on all fronts and this is a serious problem for Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, who are attempting to cleanse the Middle East of secular governments. News agencies are reporting that jihadists have withdrawn from many of the suburban areas of Damascus they once controlled and have moved north to areas where they can receive NATO supplies from Turkey.
Congressman against Obama's tanks and jets for Egypt - President Barack Obama knows full well that the tanks and jets he is sending to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt will eventually be used against Israel but has cleared the sale anyway. Congressman Vern Buchanan (R-FL) has joined the chorus of critics asking Obama to stop the shipments of 20 American F-16 fighter jets and 200 Abrams tanks to Egypt. "Simply put, the U.S. should not be providing military assistance to a regime that supports Hamas and is looking more and more like a dictatorship than a trustworthy democracy," Buchanan wrote.
Religion and Culture
More taxpayer money, more abortions - Planned Parenthood reported receiving record taxpayer funding in the last reporting year, while also performing a record number of abortions, according to its new annual report released this week. The nation's largest abortion provider maintained its infamous title, performing 333,964 abortions-a record for the organization that received 45 percent of its revenues from taxpayer-funded government sources. Read more
International Slavery alive and well under Islam - Slavery and human trafficking affect millions of people in the world today. Most slavery is centered in Islamic nations ... and indeed virtually every black slave brought to America in the 18th ant 19th centuries came from Islamic slave markets in Africa. Now National Geographic footage of slaves traded openly in the 1960's in Islamic areas has been found. Newer footage of slavery trades today in the same "enlightened" Islamic areas is now at our Internet site
Egypt: Christian women must wear veils or get raped - Egyptian imam Hisham el-Ashry popped up on prime-time television to tell women they must cover up for their own protection. "I was once asked: If I came to power, would I let Christian women remain unveiled? And I said: If they want to get raped on the streets, then they can," Ashry told Nahar TV last week. Read more
Syria: Car bombs in Christian neighborhoods - More car bombs have been detonated by Obama's rebels in Christian areas of Damascus. Last week one car bomb at a gas station killed dozens of people. Most Republicans in the Senate support Obama's war on the last secular government in the Middle East.
UK: Muslim preacher orders hit on 15-year-old girl - A Pakistani girl who was shot by the Taliban for advocating education for girls, and who is being treated in the UK, has had a fatwa issued ordering her death. Read more
Thailand: 157 teachers killed by Muslims - In the last ten years,157 teachers in Thailand have died at the hands of Muslim "separatists." The teachers have been killed, for the most part, for teaching girls. Just as in the USA, the Thai media refer to the Muslim terrorists as "insurgents" and rarely even mention Islam. Read more
More from the Religious Freedom Coalition
New Chairman's Report - Now available, the December 24th, 2012 edition of the RFC Chairman's Report. In the current issue: William J. Murray writes on the Newtown school massacre / Mike Huckabee Show features Chairman Murray speaking on America's violent society / Do we have more violent crime in America because the church does not preach eternal punishment in hell any longer? / The Fiscal Cliff is a lot worse that anyone thinks / Taxes to rise regardless of congressional votes
Constitution or Sharia DVD - This is the complete set of DVD's from the November 11, 2011 Constitution or Sharia conference in Nashville, Tennessee. The Constitution or Sharia: Preserving Freedom Conference was the first true national conference on Sharia and the Islamization of America sponsored by major freedom oriented organizations! It was not just another educational conference. How to deal with and stop implementation of Sharia law in the United States was outlined by speakers and in panels. Order today
Books by William J. Murray - Now available at our online store: Books by William J. Murray
Editor: William J. Murray
In this issue: Obama rejects "freedom of conscience" for military chaplains / NBC admits censorship of election news / Terror cleric link to 9-11 known by FBI for years / 113th Congress sworn in / 20% of House Members new / 14 new Senators / Al Gore sells TV network to Islamists, takes oil money / F-35's to Turkey and F-16's to Egypt / Egypt's Morsi previously called for war on Israel / Christian beheaded in Syria / Fatwa says rape only women over 14 in Syria / Muslims attack American Jew in Venice
The Presidency Obama refuses "freedom of conscience" for Chaplains - Upon signing the 2013 National Defense Authorization. These provisions were specifically inserted by Congress to protect chaplains who refuse to preform "same-sex" marriage. By his refusal to abide by this section of the law Obama is in essence saying he will force chaplains to preform "same-sex" marriages. Read more
NBC admits election news censorship - Two days after the national election on November 6, Brian Williams -- anchor and managing editor of NBC Nightly News -- made a peculiar comment: "With the election now over, it is once again safe to talk about the economy and jobs, Now that it is not a campaign issue, it's back to reality," In other words, because the economy was the weakest part of the Obama reelection campaign we didn't talk about it much. Read more
Terror cleric link to 9-11 known - Anwar al-Awlaki was deeply involved in the 9-11 attacks and the FBI new it prior to his invitation to speak on "moderate" Islam at the Pentagon in 2002 according to investigators for Fox News. He booked earlier "test" flights for some of the hijackers. Despite this the Bush Administration and the FBI allowed him to be paraded around various media outlets and to speak at events at the Pentagon and on Capitol Hill. Read more
Please assist the Religious Freedom Coalition in 2013 - Funds are urgently needed for Middle East relief projects. Please donate today.
113th Congress sworn in - I was on Capitol Hill on Thursday, January 3rd as the 113th Congress was sworn in. Only families of the Members are allowed at the actual swearing, but I attended reception with some of those that were elected with the help of the PAC of which I am the chairman. My PAC helped elect socially conservative Senators Cruz (R-TX) and Deb Fischer (R-NE). Please note that note a single economic conservative candidate backed by Karl Rove's PAC won. Every candidate Rove backed that ran away from social issues lost.
House: One in five faces new - There are 82 new Members in the 435 seat House and 14 new Senators. On the House side almost 20% of the Members are new although one did previously serve back in the 1980's. There are also two empty seats because of resignations that occurred before the new 113th Congress even had a chance to convene. The only African-American in the Senate is a Republican. Everywhere I go conservatives champion "term limits" because Congressmen "stay forever." The reality is different: The average length of service for Representatives is currently 9.8 years (4.9 terms) and for Senators is 11.4 years (1.9 terms). List of 85 new Members
Religion and Culture
Al Gore takes oil money and helps Islamists - Al Gore is helping the advance of radical Islam in the USA by selling his failing TV network for a huge profit to a radical Islamist network that prided itself in showing IED's killing Americans in Iraq. The Al Jazeera network is funded by the government of Qatar. Qatar is controlled by a "royal" family and has no freedom of speech, press or religion. Read more
F-16's to Egypt and F-35's to Turkey - I have previously reported that the United States will begin delivery to Egypt this month of advance F-16 fighters and the newest version of the Abrams tank. Our government also approved the sale of ultra-advanced F-35 to Turkey which has declared itself an enemy of Israel. Turkey will purchase a total of 116 of the aircraft to Israel's 55 with delivery through 2017.
Morsi called for war on Israel - So much for the "moderate" Muslim Brotherhood president of Egypt. Recently found iTV interviews of Morsi show him saying in 2010 - "Either [you accept] the Zionists and everything they want, or else it is war," Morsi said, "This is what these occupiers of the land of Palestine know - these blood-suckers, who attack the Palestinians, these warmongers, the descendants of apes and pigs." Read more
Syria: Christian beheaded - A Christian man was beheaded and fed to hungry dogs by the Obama supported "rebels" in Syria who are in reality little more than Islamist bandits who pillage the countryside. Read more
Syria: Fatwa says rape OK - Three hundred thousand Christians forced from their homes so far by the jihadists in Syria. Hundreds of Christians killed and now Obama's Saudi buddies have issued a fatwa approving of rape to boost moral of fighters. Read more
Italy: Muslims attack Jewish tourist - A young American Jew visiting relatives in Venice was brutally attacked by 15 Muslims. The attacks on Jews in Italy have increased sharply the last few years. Read more
More from the Religious Freedom Coalition
New Chairman's Report - Now available, the December 24th, 2012 edition of the RFC Chairman's Chairman's Report In the current issue: William J. Murray writes on the Newtown school massacre / Mike Huckabee Show features Chairman Murray on America's violent society / Do we have more violence crime in America because the church does not preach eternal punishment in Hell any longer? / The Fiscal Cliff is a lot worse that anyone thinks / Taxes to rise regardless of congressional votes
Constitution or Sharia DVD - This is the complete set of DVD's from the November 11, 2011 Constitution or Sharia conference in Nashville, Tennessee. The Constitution or Sharia: Preserving Freedom Conference was the first true national conference on Sharia and the Islamization of America sponsored by major freedom oriented organizations! It was not just another educational conference. How to deal with and stop implementation of Sharia law in the United States was outlined by speakers and in panels. Order today
Books by William J. Murray

Now available at our online store. Books by William J. Murray