Saturday, November 22, 2008

Week Ending November 21, 2008 - Washington, DC

White House against "Fairness Doctrine" / Alveda King says Barack Obama's heart needs to change / GOP Whip Roy Blunt steps down / Lame Duck Congress to return / Atheists file their Christmas season lawsuits / Bounty to kill Christians in India / Nativity scene cookie cutters?
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WHITE HOUSE SAYS NO TO "FAIRNESS DOCTRINE" - Meredith Attwell Baker, the top telecommunications policy advisor to President George W. Bush, warned against the return of the Fairness Doctrine in a speech Thursday, saying it would be a "u-turn" on the road to a more diverse media marketplace. Read more

The Fairness Doctrine would force Christian radio stations to air atheist and Muslim programing. Will it happen? That is up to Barack Obama. Read more

MESSAGE TO OBAMA FROM NEICE OF MLK - Dr. Alveda King, Pastoral Associate of Priests for Life today said: "President-elect Obama has become synonymous with 'change,' yet the most positive new direction he could seek would be to find room in his heart for the unborn." And, said Dr. King, "He has promised to take actions that will only increase the number of babies killed by abortion. He has stolen the hope that millions of babies might have their very existences recognized, much less protected. If Mr. Obama wants to bring change that we can believe in, he needs to begin by changing his view that not all Americans have a right to exist."

William Murray and Congressman Elect Duncan Hunter, Jr. THERE ARE NEW HOUSE REPUBLICANS - On Thursday evening I met with several of the "freshman class" of House Republicans. Earlier in the day the group elected Rep.-elect Steve Austria of Ohio to be president of their class in the 111th Congress. Of those present at the meeting Thursday evening, the political action committee I am chairman of had helped to elect three. GING-PAC assisted in the elections of congressmen-elect Duncan Hunter Jr. of California, Pete Olson of Texas and Tom Rooney of Florida. (Photo of myself with Duncan Hunter Jr.)

ROY BLUNT STEPS DOWN --For eight years Congressman Roy Blunt has served as Majority Whip in the House and for the last two years in the more difficult position as Minority Whip. During that time he has been an advocate of social conservative causes and has met almost weekly with conservative activists including me. This week I and other conservative leaders met with Congressman Blunt before he stepped down from the leadership position. He is replaced by his former deputy whip, Congressman Eric Cantor of Virginia. Congressman Cantor is also a champion of social conservative values.

LAME DUCKS TO RETURN - This week was to be the last for the 110th Congress, but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has announced that she will call a special session in December to revisit loans to the automotive industry. NOTE: Mitt Romney may believe that Chinese and Indian car companies can replace GM and Ford, but the millions of Americans associated with the auto industry don't. Republicans blocking the loans at the request of radical pro-China free-market traders such as Mitt Romney will kill any chance of future Republican gains in Michigan, Indiana, Wisconsin, Ohio and Illinois where the bulk of American owned auto parts makers live. By stopping these loans to automakers the GOP told the Reagan Democrats to pack up and go home to Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi.

THAT TIME OF YEAR FOR ATHEISTS - Atheists know that the media loves to report on their anti-Christian activities during the Christmas holiday. So the Freedom From Religion Foundation is suing Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter over a state-sanctioned "Day of Prayer" proclamation. All 50 U.S. governors issued National Day of Prayer Proclamations in 2008. Read more

NATIVITY SCENE COOKIE CUTTERS - Yes, our Christian Internet store is a lot more than just books and DVD's. We have lots of great Christian themed gifts for Christmas including ornaments and even cookie cutters with Nativity scene characters. Visit our Internet Store today for Christmas gifts you will not find elsewhere.

NEW CHAIRMAN'S REPORT - The all new November 12, 2008 Chairman's Report is now available to read in PDF format. Read about the good news from the election and how social conservatives may fare the next four years. Persecution of Christians continues in Mosul, Iraq Click here to view new issue.

REWARD TO KILL CHRISTIANS IN INDIA - Hindu groups are offering money, food and alcohol to mobs to kill Christians and destroy their homes. Christian aid workers in the state of Orissa have reported the crimes to the news media. The going rate to kill a pastor is $150. Read more

CHRISTMAS GIFTS FROM A CHRISTIAN STORE - Order Christmas ornaments with Christian themes and tens of thousands of other Christian themed items at our affiliate store. We stock jewelry from the Holy Land, Bibles and lots of Christian books. It is a great place to shop for birthday gifts as well. NOTE: Amazon sells atheist and satanist books right along with Christian books. We don't. When you buy from our store you help our work. Please take a look at our store today at

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