Political correctness that kills / Obama, Islam and Ft. Hood / Obama's politically correct general / Special army unit for Muslims only / Our politically correct Navy / RFC protest of "Muslim only" unit in Army / Bill Clinton advises the Senate - yes really / Remembering victims or celebrating victimhood? / How "moderate" is CAIR? / FBI questions pastor and turns eyes away from Hasan / More on Iraqi Christian refugees. Make your friends aware of issues they don't read about in local newspapers. Print out this update and distribute it to your Sunday School class, or please consider forwarding this update to them and recommend that they subscribe.
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OMABA'S POLITICALLY CORRECT GENERAL - Soldiers serving under Army Chief of Staff George Casey, Jr. died and others were gravely injured, but the the general's first response was to say a "greater tragedy" would be if their deaths caused discomfort to Muslims. On CNN he said, "I am worried - not worried, but I'm concerned that this increased speculation could cause a backlash against some of our Muslim soldiers. And I've asked our Army leaders to be on the lookout for that. It would be a shame - as great a tragedy as this was - it would be a shame if our diversity became a casualty as well." Later on ABC he upped political correctness saying any "backlash" against Muslims would be "an even greater tragedy." Shamefully, this political correctness began with President George W. Bush, but has reached the point of self destructive insanity under Barack Obama.
SPECIAL ARMY UNIT FOR MUSLIMS ONLY - The 51st Translation Interpreter Company at Fort Irwin is an all Muslim unit -- no Christians or Jews allowed. The unit consists of 120 Muslims who were "recruited." Why are Christians and Jews prohibited from positions in this unit and what justification is given by the United States Army in this regard? just imagine the outrage of the ACLU and the leftist media if there were an all Jewish unit that worked on translations with Israeli intelligence. These Muslims were "recruited" with bonuses to join the Army, and many of them are there because of the money offered, not because of patriotism. Over 85% of those of Arab descent in the United States are Christians whose families have fled Muslim repression. Also, there are thousands of Iraqi Christian refugees who have worked as translators who are available. But the Army recruits Muslims, some with dubious connections to mosques that promote Jihad, all to prove how politically correct the Army is. Note to General Casey: Your job is to win wars, not to manage diversity.
AND THE NAVY - The six member volunteer Color Guard from the Naval Academy sent to the World Series consisted of all white men. When the top brass found this out they demanded diversity, so a white woman and a "Pakistani - American" were added to increase the Color Guard to eight members. But the "Pakistani - American" forgot part of his uniform. He and one white male were removed so the woman could furnish the "diversity." I am very sure that if the brass could have figured out how to get a Koran in the picture they would have done that as well. Links to story and video of ceremony.
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BILL CLINTON ADVISES THE SENATE - Former President Bill Clinton huddled with Senator Reid and other Democrats at a closed door meeting this past week. Clinton was sent by President Barack Obama to encourage the Senate to pass the Obama Care plan which squeaked through the House last week by two votes. Both Obama and Clinton are convinced that the reason the GOP took over the House in 1994 was because Democrats did not pass universal health care. Obama and Clinton believe that if the legislation passes, the Democrats will pick up seats rather than lose them. This is in spite of the fact that only 42% of the voters approve of government run health care. How this translates to more votes for Democrats I do not understand. Ask Bill Clinton. See poll
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The reality of Hasan's treatment is the reverse of what liberals try to portray. Nidal Hasan was treated by everyone in the Army who came in contact with him with extra sensitivity because he was so openly a radical Muslim of Arab descent. It was sort of like being a homosexual at a firm like Microsoft, where a gay man can't get fired no matter how much he screws up. Hasan did poorly in the Army Medical School and would have been flunked out had he been a Christian or Jew. The Army wanted a Muslim psychiatrist so badly that it lowered its standards and allowed a man to obtain a medical degree who was not only a dimwit, but one who promoted Jihadist concepts. Under his name on his business cards the letters "SOA" appeared for "Soldier of Islam." He not only contacted those in Yemen promoting Jihad, but there is now evidence he sent funds to terrorist organizations in the Middle East as well. The FBI knew this, the CIA knew this and Army Intelligence knew this. BUT, he was the Army's only Muslim psychiatrist, so it was hands off. Had he been a Jew who radically supported Israel, he probably would have been arrested for "spying." But because Hasan was a Muslim, he was a "victim" regardless of his actions. Good op-ed on this subject
MODERATE CAIR? - Our military turns to the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) to help recruit "moderate" imams as chaplains. Also, the FBI has cooperated with CAIR in the past, even asking their advice on various matters. Even before all the bodies were removed from Ft. Hood following the latest Jihad attack, CAIR representatives were in the media condemning the attack and expressing concern about a "backlash" against Muslims. Just how "moderate" is this organization? As one example, a frequent speaker at CAIR events is Zaid Shakir, who says it is wrong to shoot down civilian aircraft in the USA, but OK to shoot down aircraft carrying military service personel, even within the United States. Now we know what CAIR means by "moderate". Read more
WHY DID FBI QUESTION VIRGINIA PASTOR? - Several weeks ago I reported that a friend of mine, Rev. Patrick Mahoney, was questioned by the FBI as to why he organized a demonstration at the Chinese Embassy in Washington, in support of religious freedom. In light of the FBI looking the other way from the radical contacts of Nidal Hasan before his Jihad attack that killed 13 at Ft. Hood, there are some questions Rev. Mahoney wants answered. He stated, "It is even more troubling to realize that I was visited at my home by the FBI for peacefully exercising my First Amendment rights, yet Major Hasan received no such visit by the FBI for contacting Islamic terrorists multiple times and making threatening comments to the American military. How is it possible that a Christian minister is investigated and questioned by federal agents for holding a peaceful prayer vigil and a person who killed 13 people and had numerous contacts with terrorists was never visited or questioned?" Those are questions the FBI should be forced by congressional investigators to answer. Read more
OCTOBER 30, 2009 CHAIRMAN'S REPORT - The all new October 30, 2009 Chairman's Report is now available to read in PDF format. This issue contains more information about our work on Capitol Hill with the 111th Congress, and also about our work on international issues. Help your friends understand these issues better. Print out and distribute the Chairman's Report to your class or fellowship this Sunday! Click here to review.
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A FULL LIST OF HASAN'S JIHAD VICTIMS - A list of the victims and stories of their lives is not easy to find even on the Internet. The mainstream media has focused on the shooter. But a Dallas-Ft Worth TV station has done a pretty good job at listing the thirteen dead and giving a little of their backgrounds. Read here
PLEASE VISIT OUR STORE - We have a great Internet store with thousands of books, CD's, DVD's, and even Christian jewelry ... OK ... We are not as cheap as Amazon, but we don't sell porn and Satanic cult materials either. Please check out or store!
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