Muslim cleric to Obama: Convert to Islam / Obama says he will fix roads - just like Huckabee would have / The Obama birth certificate flap / Congress to return in rare December session / What happened to atheist "under God" lawsuit? / "Under God" pastor dies at 97 / CNN has digestive guru as terror expert / New York Times about India terror - no Muslims involved / More church arrests in China
In November, 2008, just days after receiving billions of our tax dollars for a bail-out, American Express canceled credit lines of all their small business customers making it impossible to buy inventory for Christmas and causing layoffs. At the same time American Express canceled the credit lines of non-profit organizations including the Religious Freedom Coalition. As a result of the actions of American Express we will no longer accept American Express cards at our Internet site.
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OBAMA SAYS HE WILL BUILD ROADS -During the primary election Republican candidate Gov. Mike Huckabee pushed a plan to build back the infrastructure of the United States including our decaying Interstate system. His Republican rivals including Senator John McCain preferred to "stimulate the economy" by sending cash rebates to people to buy Chinese junk at discount stores. Taking a page from the Huckabee campaign, Barack Obama said he will stimulate the economy with road repair and construction. But who will build them? While Obama wants road construction jobs, he also wants to fund abortion clinics and make abortions even more available. Easily available abortions have already claimed the lives of millions of American babies. Our population can hardly even sustain itself now, without massive numbers of immigrants, many of whom do not share our traditional American values.
THE OBAMA BIRTH CERTIFICATE ISSUE - There is a big push by conservatives led by World Net Daily and Leo Donofrio who filed a lawsuit to have the Supreme Court find Barak Obama unqualified to be president based on the circumstances of his birth. The controversy is fired by Hawaii refusing to release an actual copy of his birth certificate. Many have e-mailed and written to me asking why I do not support this effort. Here are the reasons:
First, this can't be won and it is a waste of our resources. Conservatives need to target Obama in other areas to make sure he is not re-elected in 2012. Second, if by some remote chance the Supreme Court did rule that Obama could not be sworn in as president, it would mean Civil War in the United States with some states accepting him as president and others not. There would be a blood bath in the inner cities like we have never seen before. The inner city violence would take tens of thousands of lives and do hundreds of billions of dollars in damage. The American economy, already under stress, would collapse into something worse than a depression and would take the world with it. Our military would collapse into chaos along racial lines and mutiny would be a real possibility. Conservatives, including me, need to accept the reality and work to elect a fresh faced conservative in 2012 such as Sarah Palin.
SPOOL DOWN AT WHITE HOUSE - There are thousands of good people who work directly for the Bush Administration in buildings near the White House. January 19th will be their last day at work as the offices are filled by staffers reporting to Barack Obama. An archaic law forbids current staffers from seeking employment until after they are separated from federal employment. Considering the economic situation in America today, Congress should suspend this rule or the President should suspend it by Executive Order.
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PASTOR WHO MOTIVATED PRESIDENT DIES AT AGE 97 - The pastor who helped to persuade Congress to insert the phrase "under God" into the Pledge of Allegiance died in Alexandria, Pennsylvania on Thanksgiving Day with his wife Sue at his side. Rev. George M. Docherty was 97 years-old. Read more in current Chairman's Report.
NEW CHAIRMAN'S REPORT - The all new December 4, 2008 Chairman's Report is now available to read in PDF format. Read more about Rev. George Docherty and "under God" in the Pledge. Also information on Barack Obama's pro-abortion cabinet and Hillery Clinton. New information on Muslim attacks in India and persecuted Christians. Click here to view PDF
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NEW YORK TIMES: MUSLIMS NOT INVOLVED IN MUMBAI TERROR - In six stories on the Mumbai Muslim terror attacks, the New York Times refused to call the terrorists Muslims or Islamic extremists. They were called "terrorists"and "assailants," but not Muslims. The only time Muslims or Islam was mentioned, it was to blame the treatment of Muslims in India for some violence and to call for previous Muslim terrorists to be released from prison by India. The Times also stated the attacks on civilians were "random." Tell that to the children of the Jewish rabbi and his wife who were tortured to death.Read more.
MORE ARRESTS IN CHINA - ChinaAid has confirmed that in September and early November 2008, police raided house gatherings in Beijing and near college campuses in Hangzhou, arresting more than 400 Christian college students. House church leaders were detained, and several were sentenced to re-education through forced labor. Read more.
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Seems the Supreme Court is waiting to hear from me before issuing a decision on Donofrio, so here goes: While the Court is more than loathe to enter this dispute, currently it has no choice (thanks to the audacious one — and I don’t mean Leo, I mean Barack) and the ONLY WAY to bring closure, knowing CLOSURE IS ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL before any Presidential inauguration, is to back the original intent of the Constitution, meaning, Obama is NOT an Article II “natural born citizen” (albeit Obama may or may not be a “citizen”, a question heated by the steadfast refusal of the DNC or any of the Secretaries of State to require his birth certificate, which the Court will now not have to confront).
"this issue is a waste of resources...and leads to civil war" Murray. Just as cafeteria style Bible application is suspect especially by non believers, picking and choosing the parts of the Constitution that suit us is also wrong since it is the legal and binding document for our country. The constitution is the king we are to honor (ref I Pt 2:13-17) This issue reveals flaws in our electoral process that must be corrected and how will that happen besides court action? We are to not uphold the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic because it might lead to civil war? Is Murray's reluctance because the protected citizen is born not conceived and shadows the abortion issue (Amendment XIV)? Is it because the public school is a public trust and there can be no religious test for those in a public trust (teachers and students)? Is it because the constitution can't protect traditional marriage if it can't protect same sex marriage (equal protection clause, Amendment XIV)? Not to mention the agape love we should have towards all sinners. Romans and Corinthians and Leviticus were written to Israel and the church not to pagans. This country's problem is a moral one. Christ came to establish his spiritual government/kingdom. He is reigning in an earthly sense in the hearts of the believers, ie the remnant. The Constitution protects believers (us) as well as non believers. Let's protect it. And, let's reach the lost through/with Christ rather than the US government from local to federal.
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