Friday, June 26, 2009

Week Ending June 26, 2009 - Washington, DC

The moral line in the sand is gone / What Obama's Gay Pride Month proclamation means to you / Barack Obama is not George Washington / Obama appoints founder of gay club to protect youth in schools / Obama's nation of Muslims and Hindus / Thought Crimes in the Senate / Cap and tax this / Social conservatives out of the GOP? / The Stoning of Soraya M. / Religion of tolerance kills more teenagers / Christian youth camp needs help

OBAMA ERASES THE LINE IN THE SAND - Last week I was one of a very few writers on the national scene to mention that President Obama had declared June as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered Pride Month. This week when I told a US Senator about the proclamation he was surprised but there has been no rebuke from any political quarter. In a stroke of the pen a President of the United States erased all moral boundaries and there is no outrage; indeed, there is virtually no comment. No one seems to mind that there is a proclamation by the President telling those who commit sodomy to be proud of it, although God destroyed Sodom for such behavior. Obama claims to have a "Christian tradition," whatever that means, but apparently this "tradition" does not include adherence to the Bible.

There is a saying, "You can't legislate morality." Actually that is a lie. Every law legislates morality whether it is about theft or giving welfare and medical care to the poor. The issue at hand is whether the law is determined according to the universal moral laws given by God through the Old and New Testaments, or according to the whims of sinners. If laws are determined by the latter, then the laws will change constantly.

Even today our laws have become wacky. "Hate crimes" legislation punishes people who commit various crimes -- not for the crimes themselves -- but for what was in the minds of the perpetrators while they committed the crimes. As another example, most of those who caused the current financial crisis received bonuses paid for by taxpayers, while others who were responsible will spend the rest of their lives in jail. And now President Obama has nominated a Supreme Court nominee who has openly stated that she will not honor our Constitution unless it adheres to "international norms." What international "norms?" Perhaps the "norm" would be granting welfare payments to the multiple wives of Muslims as is done in the UK. With the last line in the sand erased by the celebration of sodomy, there is no "norm."

Our laws and court decisions from this point on will become more and more irrational as they are based on what Obama's Supreme Court nominee sited as "personal experiences." To quote Judge Sotomayor, "I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion [as a judge] than a white male who hasn't lived that life." Life experiences, particularly those of non-whites, in her mind trump all else.

OBAMA, THE ARMY AND GEORGE WASHINGTON - In a general court-martial dated March 14, 1778, General George Washington approved the discharge of a soldier who was "tried for attempting to commit sodomy." The court martial decision read as follows: "[We] do sentence him to be dismiss'd [from] the service with infamy. His Excellency the Commander in Chief approves the sentence and with abhorrence and detestation of such infamous crimes orders Lieut. Enslin to be drummed out of camp tomorrow morning by all the drummers and fifers in the Army never to return." The new Commander-in-chief, Barack Obama, with the help of radical Nancy Pelosi, plans to change military rules to allow men to commit acts of sodomy in the bunk beds next to soldiers who are heterosexual and faithful to their wives. Does this sound like it will promote solidarity in the ranks? Read more

FOUNDER OF GAY CLUBS TO "PROTECT" STUDENTS - President Barack Obama has appointed Kevin Jennings as assistant deputy secretary of education in charge of the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools. Jennings is the founder of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN). This group pushes "gay-straight alliance" clubs in public schools. The goal of GLESN is to "assure that each member of every school community is valued and respected regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity/expression." In other words homosexual students should be allowed to have sex in the boys room. This guy will be in charge of a "safe schools" program?

OBAMA'S NATION OF MUSLIMS AND HINDUS - Generally, when a public figure speaks at a Jewish event he doesn't focus on Christians or Muslims. You would think that at a Christian event as well, a public figure would not concentrate on other faiths. You would think so.

At the Hispanic prayer breakfast last week there were two hours of prayer, music, and testimony centered on the power and saving grace of Jesus Christ. The importance of Christianity to the Latino community was emphasized over and over again, at the prayer breakfast on Friday in Washington, DC. Then it was President Obama's turn to speak. He opened his address by saying, "We can begin by giving thanks for the legacy that allows us to come together." Obama then continued, "For it was the genius of America's Founders to protect the freedom of all religions, and those who practice no religion at all." You got it, he could not leave the atheists out of the speech although the Founders had no such intent. He went on, "So as we join in prayer, we remember that this is a nation of Christians and Muslims and Jews and Hindus and non-believers." Yes ... a second reference to the atheists but this time he added Muslims, Jews and Hindus. I guess the Buddhists can fend for themselves.

THOUGHT CRIMES AND THE SENATE - The hearings in the Senate Committee on the Judiciary on the "Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009" this week were a sham. For every witness against the bill there were four in favor of it. Every effort by conservative Senators to remove protection of pedophiles from the bill was blocked by the Democrat controlled committee. Previously, I wrote extensively about Pastor Ake Green who was sentenced to jail in Sweden for reading Scriptures that clearly say sodomy is a sin. The same language used in Sweden to silence pastors, is in S-909 here in America. In all, the bill protects 547 different deviant sexual behaviors including necrophilia, which is having sex with a dead person. The moral line in the sand is not being moved by the Obama / Pelosi machine, it has been erased.

CAP AND TAX - Greenpeace has come out against the "Cap and Trade" legislation because it does not do enough damage to the lives of human beings. But this multibilion dollar boondoggle that threatens to shut down the few remaining factories in the United States and ship the jobs to India and China, is still marching its way through Pelosi's radical leftist House of Representatives. I would panic like everyone else if I didn't know that the bill has virtually no chance of passage in the Senate. Democrat Senators from farm states and those few industrial areas left will not vote for it. It's dead .... BUT ... I encourage everyone to keep calling and writing the wackos in the House. They need to hear from real people.

SOCIAL CONSERVATIVES GET OUT - Every time there is a sex scandal in the Republican Party the media, including the conservative media, immediately claim that kicking social conservatives out will fix the problem. Within the last ten days, two rising stars in the GOP have admitted cheating on their wives. First it was Senator Ensign of Nevada and then Gov. Sanford of South Carolina. The economic conservatives believe that they can attract the homosexuals and radical feminists to vote Republican based on tax issues if the "moral Platform" of the party is abandoned. Yeah, right ... If I walk away from the GOP I am sure that the president of NOW will rush right in to fill the void.

THE STONING OF SORAYA M. - You must see The Stoning of Soraya M, but I strongly advise you not to take any children under the age of 18. The film depicts the brutal reality of Islam in Iran. Under Islam, a woman requires two witnesses to verify that she is telling the truth whereas a man's word is taken at face value. As a result, any time that a man claims his wife is an adulteress she is automatically guilty and is stoned to death. The process of conviction under Islamic law as well as the actual stoning is vividly depicted. Before President Obama again speaks of the "tolerance" of Islam I pray that he will view "The Stoning of Soraya M. View trailer here. Learn how you can help here.

JUST RELEASED TODAY - NEW CHAIRMAN'S REPORT - The all new June 25, 2009 Chairman's Report is now available to read in PDF format. This issue contains more information about our work on Capitol Hill with the new 111th Congress, and also about our work on international issues. Help your Sunday School class understand these issues better. Print out and distribute the Chairman's Report to your class or fellowship this Sunday! Click here to view!

RELIGION OF TOLERANCE - I thought about President Obama's statement on Islam being "tolerant" as I was reading the weekly totals of those killed directly in the name of this "religion". Just a few days ago a 15-year-old girl was stabbed to death by her Muslim father in Germany because of her "Western lifestyle." In the Philippines this week Moro Islamists stormed a village and murdered a 15 year old boy. In Thailand 8 people were wounded in an attack by Muslims on a Buddhist temple. In Egypt Muslims attacked a church during the worship hour, seriously injuring twenty-two with knives and swords. In Afghanistan an 18 year old girl and her boyfriend were murdered by her father for "moral" reasons. In Iran countless people were murdered by police at the direction of the Imams that rule the nation. In India a Muslim tossed a grenade into a tourist bus killing at least one. I left out all the car bombings in Iraq and the atrocities against Christians in that nation or I would need pages .... What would happen if we had a leader who told the truth about Islam?

CHRISTIAN YOUTH CAMP IN JORDAN NEEDS WATER - There is a Christian camp for youth in Jordan, which is one of the few Middle Eastern nations that still has a sizable Christian population. I cannot name the camp here, or tell about its location. I can tell you that because of the nature of the geography of Jordan, water must be trucked in each day to the camp. Every week there is a new group of about 200 youths who come to the camp from various churches. During the course of the summer thousands of young people from kindergarten through high school will attend Vacation Bible School at the camp. This summer the water will cost $5,000 to purchase and truck into the camp. All contributions received at our web site this week will go to the camp for the purpose of purchasing the water. Your help is genuinely needed. Please help. Donation link

FACEBOOK FOR IRAQI CHRISTIANS - The Religious Freedom Coalition has a Facebook page to expose the crisis faced by Iraqi Christians. If you have a Facebook account, please become our friend at this link. You can help Iraqi Christians directly by making a donation at the Facebook cause page! Learn more here!

GIFTS FROM A CHRISTIAN STORE How about birthday or anniversary gifts with a Christian theme? Our Internet Christian Super Store has tens of thousands of books, CD's DVD's, jewelry, food and more. AND ... Our store does not sell the atheist and satanist books that you will find on When you buy from our store, you help our work. Please take a look at our store today at

Contributions to the work of the Religious Freedom Coalition can be made at

Monday, June 22, 2009

June 22, 2009 - Just an added note

I don’t normally write about economic issues, but what is going on with Chrysler really startled me. Since I have worked around and on Capitol Hill for decades, it takes a lot to startle me.

I love Italy. It is a great nation and one of the wealthiest capitalist nations in the world. I know that some Republicans talk about “socialist Europe,” but that is just no longer true. In reality most European nations are robust capitalist societies just like Italy. The nation of Italy has a strong manufacturing base that includes famous auto makers such as Alfa Romeo, Ferrari, Maserati and Lamborghini. Unlike the United States Italy has not driven most of its manufacturing jobs to China; they are mostly still in Italy.

Why then, is the Obama Administration using the tax dollars of Americans to take over Chrysler, an American car company, and give control of it to the Italian company Fiat for not a single dollar in return? Fiat gets a percentage of Chrysler in return for “technology,” but does not put in one dime of capital. All the money to save Chrysler and merge it with Fiat comes from taxpayers like you and me.

Most Americans were willing to "save" American jobs with tax dollars, but to give the assets of Chrysler to a European company goes one step too far. Meanwhile, the Obama Administration has asked for nothing from the wealthy hedge fund that owned Chrysler when it went into bankruptcy. If all this weren’t enough, the Obama Administration turned its back on the auto workers union and approved moving the plant that makes Chrysler motors to Mexico! What circus was hired to run this show for the Obama Administration?

Friday, June 19, 2009

Week Ending June 19, 2009 - Washington, DC

Gay times for Obama / Obama: Federal benefits - not married? no problem / Obama: "Peace be upon them" / Hillary's same-sex diplomatic passports / Thought crimes bill hearings in Senate / Pelosi and the CIA / Frightened Democrats / The new Anglican Church / Taxpayer money for terrorists / Arab peace with Israel?

PETITION TO HILLARY CLINTON ON IRAQI CHRISTIANS - Read and sign the Internet petition to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The petition urges Clinton to direct our embassies to assist Christians who have fled Islamic terror in Iraq. The petition is located at

OBAMA'S GAY TIMES - This week President Obama granted benefits to homosexual "partners" of federal employees. As a result, for the first time in our nation's history, homosexual partners of federal employees will receive benefits just short of health insurance and retirement funding.

The benefits do not include health care and retirement because of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) signed into law by Bill Clinton. The benefits do provide long-term care insurance and sick leave to take care of homosexual "partners." Obama has stated he wants to overturn DOMA to allow homosexual marriage and full benefits to be forced on all employers.

EVEN MORE OBAMA GAY TIMES - President Obama declared in a proclamation that June is to be "LGBT (Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgendered) Pride Month." In his proclamation the President stated, "LGBT Americans have made, and continue to make, great and lasting contributions that continue to strengthen the fabric of American society." What contributions would that be? Sex in the men's room of every major airport and the destruction of young men's lives through forcible sodomy? Click here to read this outrageous proclamation giving glowing praise to those who practice sodomy and oral sex.

HILLARY'S SAME-SEX BENEFITS - Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Thursday issued an order granting diplomatic passports, medical care and U.S. government jobs overseas to homosexual partners of U.S. diplomats. In effect a homosexual "partner" of a diplomat will be given employment preference over other applicants, even if he has no experience. As a result of receiving these diplomatic passports, homosexual partners of diplomats can no longer be arrested in the vast majority of nations where homosexuality is illegal. Later that same day, Clinton fell on the way to the White House breaking her elbow.

"PEACE BE UPON THEM" - When referring to the dead prophets, including Mohammed, Muslims are required to say "peace be upon him" or "peace be upon them." In his Cairo address, President Barack Obama used the term after reciting the names of Moses, Jesus and Muhammad. If he is a Christian as he claims, why is he referring to Jesus as a dead prophet? In fact, why is he using this Muslim phrase at all? Read this interesting article by Frank Gaffney.

THOUGHT CRIMES MOVE IN SENATE - Many Washington insiders expected the Democrats' thought crimes bill to be attached as an amendment to an existing bill this week without notice or hearings. However, so many calls and letters have been received by Senators that today the Senate Committee on the Judiciary announced it would hold a hearing on the "Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009' on Thursday, June 25, 2009. This is a major set back for homosexual groups who had hoped no one who opposes the thought crimes legislation would have an opportunity to speak at hearings.

PELOSI AND THE CIA - On Tuesday, the House voted to table a Privileged Resolution offered by Congressman Rob Bishop (R-UT) to create a four member bi-partisan panel to examine Speaker Nancy Pelosi's accusations that she and the rest of Congress were lied to by the CIA. The creation of the panel was denied by a vote of 247-171. Democrats continue to block an investigation that would reveal if Pelosi's remarks were truthful.

FRIGHTENED DEMOCRATS - As the price tag grows for a "national health care" plan, some Democrats, particularly in the Senate, are getting cold feet about passage of the plan this year. The bill, over 600 pages long, may cost upwards of $3 trillion over ten years. To pay for it the Obama Administration wants to tax those with private health insurance and cut Medicare expenses. Medicare expenses can only be cut by reducing services to those over 65. Note: the bill creating the Interstate Highway system in 1959 was only 32 pages long.

ANGLICAN OR EPISCOPAL? - Next week the Anglican Church in North America will "emerge" to challenge the legitimacy of the U.S. Episcopal Church. This will force the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, to recognize the ACNA as a legitimate Anglican alternative to the Episcopal Church, a step he perhaps does not want to take. So far, 4 complete dioceses and 683 congregations have moved to the ACNA while the pro-homosexual Episcopal Church is sinking in membership and is strapped financially. Apparently Anglicans are more interested in hearing about Biblical truth than about gay issues and global warming, and have voted with their feet to join the ACNA.

ALL NEW JUNE CHAIRMAN'S REPORT - The all new June 3, 2009 Chairman's Report is now available to read in PDF format. This issue contains more information about our work on Capitol Hill with the new 111th Congress, and also about our work on international issues. Help your Sunday School class understand these issues better. Print out and distribute the Chairman's Report to your class or fellowship this Sunday! Click here to view!

TAXPAYER MONEY FOR TERRORISTS - In the War Supplemental Bill just passed by the House, $550 million was allotted to Israel and $600 million to the Palestinian Authority for use in the "West Bank" and Gaza. Note that those who wish to destroy Israel received more money than Israel did. It's too late to stop this injustice, but I have asked two Senators to try to amend the bill in the Senate, to allot a percentage of the Palestinian funds to the "religious minorities" in the West Bank. This would assist Christians, who face daily persecution at the hands of the Muslim majority. Christians were a majority in Bethlehem, but are less than 20% of the population of the city since the Palestinian Authority took control from Israel. Contact you Senator about helping Christians in the West bank.

ARAB PEACE WITH ISRAEL - The commander of a Gaza organization called Ansar Jund Allah (or Jund Ansar Allah) broadcast a message on June 17th to "all Jews" in which he said, '"We have come to you... with people who love death more than you love life." You can view the entire broadcast with the translation at MEMRITV, however, you will have to subscribe to the service, which is free. Because of constant attacks at the MEMRI website, subscriptions take a while to come into effect. Click here for information.

IRAQI CHRISTIANS NEED HELP - The Religious Freedom Coalition is receiving virtually no funds for our Iraqi Christian Refugee Project from Internet sources. Just a few hundred dollars have been generated at our Facebook page. Virtually no funds are being received from the publication of this email update, even though thousands of people subscribe. Your help is genuinely needed. Please help. Donation link

FACEBOOK FOR IRAQI CHRISTIANS - The Religious Freedom Coalition has a Facebook page to expose the crisis faced by Iraqi Christians. If you have a Facebook account, please become our friend at this link. You can help Iraqi Christians directly by making a donation at the Facebook cause page! Learn more here!

GIFTS FROM A CHRISTIAN STORE How about birthday or anniversary gifts with a Christian theme? Our Internet Christian Super Store has tens of thousands of books, CD's DVD's, jewelry, food and more. AND ... Our store does not sell the atheist and satanist books that you will find on When you buy from our store, you help our work. Please take a look at our store today at

Contributions to the work of the Religious Freedom Coalition can be made at

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Week Ending June 12, 2009 - Washington, DC

Obama signals to Islam the defeat of the West / Obama claims Holocaust same as current conditions of Palestinians / Will new Capitol Visitor Center display our National Motto, "In God We Trust?" / Congress, tobacco and the FDA / An aged National Socialist attacks the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC. / Christian man beaten to death for drinking from Muslim tea cup and Obama says Islam is tolerant / Media discovers "Arab Christians" / New June Chairman's Report

PETITION TO HILLARY CLINTON ON IRAQI CHRISTIANS - Read and sign the Internet petition to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The petition urges Clinton to direct our embassies to assist Christians who have fled Islamic terror in Iraq. The petition is located at

OBAMA ANNOUNCES DEATH OF THE WEST IN CAIRO - When I read the speech delivered by Barack Obama in Cairo it became apparent to me that it was not a "new beginning" but rather an end. Obama was announcing the surrender of Israel to the Muslim mobs with their violent, hate-filled "religion," in return for a peace that will never come. Obama in effect offered to surrender Western style democracy in return for a "peaceful" world. I am not alone in this opinion. Read Capitulation in Cairo? by Jeffrey Kuhner

OBAMA COMPARES HOLOCAUST TO PALESTINIANS' CONDITION IN ISRAEL - I noticed it and so did Rabbi Dr. Morton H. Pomerantz.. Obama, in a clever use of words read from his teleprompter, compared the murder of over 6 million Jews in Europe by the National Socialists (Nazis), to the current "plight" of Palestinians. The rabbi says Obama has opened the door to persecution of Jews worldwide.Read more

CAPITOL VISITOR CENTER TO DISPLAY "IN GOD WE TRUST?" - The new Capitol Visitor Center is mostly underground and adjacent to the Capitol Building, and all visitors to the Capitol must now pass through it. When it opened, congressmen and Senators noted immediately that there was no reference to the religious heritage of the nation, not even the national motto, In God We Trust.

The House Administration Committee last week unanimously approved a resolution by Congressman Dan Lungren (R-CA) directing the Architect of the Capitol to engrave "In God We Trust" and the Pledge of Allegiance inside the Capitol Visitor Center. Read more. Senators Brownback and DeMint have introduced a similar resolution in the Senate. Read DeMint statement on CVC

TOBACCO - The Senate voted this week 79 to 17 to allow the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) to regulate tobacco products. Currently the FDA does not inspect even 1% of the meat we eat. None of the food imported from China is inspected. Recalls of spoiled food are voluntary; no food supplier can be ordered by the FDA to recall food that is contaminated and sickens people. My questions: what does the FDA do with the money they get, and how will they use this new "authority?" How Senators voted

NATIONAL SOCIALIST ATTACKS HOLOCAUST MUSEUM - A guard was killed at the Holocaust Museum here in Washington, DC when an 88-year-old anti-Semite with a long history of opposition to capitalism, opened fire on him. Those who profess anti capitalist views and hatred toward Jews are no different today that they were in Hitler's Germany. The shooter, James von Brunn, in blog posts indicated he not only hated Jews but Christians and the Bible as well. Read more

ETHANOL - WASTING GOD'S RESOURCES? - National Geographic's May issue contained a report titled Portrait of the Global Food Crisis. The report concluded that a 25 gallon tank of ethanol uses enough corn or grain to feed one human being for a year. My own research found that 26.1 pounds of corn was needed per gallon of ethanol produced, but I did not include the "negative return," that is, the fuel used to plant and harvest the crop of corn. In addition, Cornell professor David Pimentel found that 27% more energy is used producing a gallon of ethanol than it contains when shipped. Read more

ALL NEW JUNE CHAIRMAN'S REPORT - The all new June 3, 2009 Chairman's Report is now available to read in PDF format. This issue contains more information about our work on Capitol Hill with the new 111th Congress, and also about our work on international issues. Help your Sunday School class understand these issues better. Print out and distribute the Chairman's Report to your class or fellowship this Sunday! Click here to view!

MEDIA SUDDENLY DISCOVERS MIDDLE EAST CHRISTIANS - A very long report on the disappearance of Christians from the Middle East was published in the May, 2009 issue of National Geographic Magazine. While George W. Bush was in office the media largely ignored the persecution of the Christian minorities in the Middle East, Now, suddenly, it is in vogue to report on their "disappearance" from the Middle East. So as not to place too much of the blame on Islamic persecution of Christians, National Geographic actually blames the initial decline of Christians in the area on the Crusades. Read NGM report

OBAMA AND ISLAMIC REALITY - "And throughout history, Islam has demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of religious tolerance and racial equality." -- Barack Obama, Cairo, June 4, 2009.

At almost the same time that Obama delivered this astounding statement, a Christian man was beaten to death for using a cup designated for Muslims. Ishtiaq Masih, ordered tea at a shop in Punjab, Pakistan, during a bus stop. When he paid for the tea the owner saw that he wore a cross, and he and 14 of his employees beat, stabbed and kicked the Christian man. He later died at a local hospital. Ishtiaq had not noticed a sign warning that the shop did not serve non-Muslims. Read more

IRAQI CHRISTIANS NEED HELP - The Religious Freedom Coalition is receiving virtually no funds for our Iraqi Christian Refugee Project from Internet sources. Just a few hundred dollars have been generated at our Facebook page. Virtually no funds are being received from the publication of this email update, even though thousands of people subscribe. Your help is genuinely needed. Please help. Donation link

FACEBOOK FOR IRAQI CHRISTIANS - The Religious Freedom Coalition has a new Facebook page to expose the crisis faced by Iraqi Christians. If you have a Facebook account, please become our friend at this link. You can help Iraqi Christians directly by making a donation at the Facebook cause page! Learn more here!

GIFTS FROM A CHRISTIAN STORE How about birthday or anniversary gifts with a Christian theme? Our Internet Christian Super Store has tens of thousands of books, CD's DVD's, jewelry, food and more. AND ... Our store does not sell the atheist and satanist books that you will find on When you buy from our store, you help our work. Please take a look at our store today at

Contributions to the work of the Religious Freedom Coalition can be made at

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Week Ending June 5, 2009 - Washington, DC

Obama says America is large Islamic nation / Obama gives OK to threaten voters / Obama "saves" GM with 18,000 more layoffs / Florida students rebel against ACLU / Muslim man forces 12 year old girl in Christian area to marry him / Iraqi Christians still need help

PETITION TO HILLARY CLINTON ON IRAQI CHRISTIANS - Read and sign the Internet petition to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The petition urges Clinton to direct our embassies to assist Christians who have fled Islamic terror in Iraq. The petition is located at

OBAMA GIVES OK TO THREATEN VOTERS AT POLLS - Last November three Black Panthers with billy clubs threatened voters in Philadelphia with violence unless they voted "the right way." The Justice Department had won two cases against the Black Panthers in court; however, when the Obama Administration took over, the Justice Department ordered that the case be dropped. If the three men had been members of the KKK, I am very sure the Obama Justice Department would be seeking life in jail for them. Apparently justice is not blind to race in the Obama Administration. Read more

OBAMA CLAIMS AMERICA IS A LARGE ISLAMIC NATION - During a French TV interview Obama said: "I think that in the United States and the West generally, we have to educate ourselves more effectively on Islam. And one of the points I want to make is, is that if you actually took the number of Muslims Americans, we'd be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world". Of course this is untrue. Muslims claim eight million in the USA and that is blatantly false because they claim all Arabs even though most Arabs in the USA are Christians who fled the terror of Islam. Read more

DESTROY THE COMPANY TO SAVE IT - This week the Obama Administration forced General Motors into bankruptcy. The original idea to save GM and Chrysler was to keep American manufacturing jobs. The day GM filed for bankruptcy, 18,000 employees were permanently fired. The Obama GM will import small cars from China next year. In addition the Obama run Chrysler shut down the plant that makes motors for Chrysler cars and moved it to Mexico. And of course Chrysler is being merged with an Italian company that will cut even more American jobs. Our tax dollars at work to save American jobs? The bond holders received 10 cents on the dollar under the Obama bankruptcy plan for GM and Chrysler. The bonds are held for the most part by municipal and other pension funds. Obama saved the companies by moving the jobs overseas and destroying pension funds of the elderly.

NO CONGRESSIONAL UPDATE THIS WEEK - As I am traveling and not on the Hill this week, there is no congressional update.

STUDENTS REBEL AGAINST ACLU - About 400 graduating seniors at Pace High School in Florida stood and recited the Lord's Prayer during their graduation ceremony this last week. Many also painted crosses on their graduation caps. The rebellion against the iron fist of the ACLU occurred after a lawsuit to block any reference to religion at the graduations in the Santa Rosa County School District, Read more

PLEASE HELP OUR CAUSE - The summer months are coming, a time when donations to non-profit organizations drop. Please help the work of the Religious Freedom Coalition on Capitol Hill and in the Middle East with a donation today. Donate online or send your gift to Religious Freedom Coalition, PO Box 77511, Washington, DC 20013

ALL NEW MAY 14th CHAIRMAN'S REPORT - The all new May 14th, 2009 Chairman's Report is now available to read in PDF format. This issue contains more information about our work on Capitol Hill with the new 111th Congress, and also about our work on international issues. Help your Sunday School class understand these issues better. Print out and distribute to your class or fellowship this Sunday! Click here to view!

MUSLIM MAN FORCES 12 YEAR OLD CHRISTIAN TO MARRY HIM - When I heard about this story and ran a Google search, I came up with several stories of 12 year old girls being forced to convert to Islam and to marry Muslims. One story was about an 80 year old man who forced a girl at gunpoint to convert.

The most recent story is about a 12 year old girl in Pakistan who was forced to convert and marry a 37 year old Muslim. The police are refusing to assist the Christian parents because they say the girl has converted to Islam. Read more

IRAQI CHRISTIANS NEED HELP - The Religious Freedom Coalition is receiving virtually no funds for our Iraqi Christian Refugee Project from Internet sources. Just a few hundred dollars have been generated at our Facebook page. Virtually no funds are being received from the publication of this email update, even though thousands of people subscribe. Your help is genuinely needed. Please help. Donation link

FACEBOOK FOR IRAQI CHRISTIANS - The Religious Freedom Coalition has a new Facebook page to expose the crisis faced by Iraqi Christians. If you have a Facebook account, please become our friend at this link. You can help Iraqi Christians directly by making a donation at the Facebook cause page! Learn more here!

GIFTS FROM A CHRISTIAN STORE How about birthday or anniversary gifts with a Christian theme? Our Internet Christian Super Store has tens of thousands of books, CD's DVD's, jewelry, food and more. AND ... Our store does not sell the atheist and satanist books that you will find on When you buy from our store, you help our work. Please take a look at our store today at

Contributions to the work of the Religious Freedom Coalition can be made at